Saturday, July 4, 2009


Question 1: Why the blog name 'Lackadaisical Me' ??

Answer: That is my description in one word. I am totally lethargic. My folks have given
all their hopes up. Whenever m home, i lie like a log at one area of the bed and
hardly move an inch. Everything is brought to bed (bed tea,bed breakfast, bed
lunch and so on..) I had always thought of having a blog of my own but never
could bring myself to think,type and upload. But finally i managed to come up
with something so here i am. Not something brilliant, have read better blogs any day
so i hope at least one living soul (apart from me) reads it..!!

Question 2: Why the URL name 'Anonymity Is Blisss' ??

Answer: Well being anonymous rules out the possibility of people judging me on the basis of
what i put up so if i don't reveal my identity i can put up anything under the sky
without thinking twice.

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