Saturday, July 4, 2009

Much Ado About Nothing

I know its too late to talk about it but i didn't exactly get the hoopla surrounding
Slumdog Millionaire amongst us Indians. No doubt it was an exquisite display of
craftsmanship by Mr. Boyle and deserved all the accolades it received. But
people viewing the Oscars with bated breath,hooting and cheering for the movie,the media creating all the hype they could was pretty weird. The actors can bask in the glory of the success of their movie but what were we rejoicing for anyway..?? Moreover an Oscar ain't the proof that A.R Rehman is talented..!! So i guess we should stop sucking up to the Academy Of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences for their recognition. It looks like we are craving for the their attention.

On the flip side i feel the movie managed to ensure the First World that with this huge baggage of poverty,Bangalore is far away from becoming Buffalo. It shows the downside to a city that is the commercial capital of our country.A city which our country's thoughtfully elected government intended to transform into a First World city :| Dharavi anyone..??!!

But on the brighter side, the movie is actually a call for us to wake up and smell the coffee. Its just that we have become so "comfortably numb" to the whole idea of poverty and misery in our nation that we failed to see that in the movie along with the success story of a certain 'slumdog' was attached the misery of many of his kind. This slumdog just got lucky.
This movie gave me some food for thought. We can revel at the glorification of the cast and crew as much as we want but along with that we should look at the bigger picture too. Producing millionaires doesn't imply that India is shining, the non-existence of Slumdogs does.So i guess lurking on the surface doesn't really help, rather we should put on our thinking caps and look beyond the obvious. That is what the movie did for me.


Question 1: Why the blog name 'Lackadaisical Me' ??

Answer: That is my description in one word. I am totally lethargic. My folks have given
all their hopes up. Whenever m home, i lie like a log at one area of the bed and
hardly move an inch. Everything is brought to bed (bed tea,bed breakfast, bed
lunch and so on..) I had always thought of having a blog of my own but never
could bring myself to think,type and upload. But finally i managed to come up
with something so here i am. Not something brilliant, have read better blogs any day
so i hope at least one living soul (apart from me) reads it..!!

Question 2: Why the URL name 'Anonymity Is Blisss' ??

Answer: Well being anonymous rules out the possibility of people judging me on the basis of
what i put up so if i don't reveal my identity i can put up anything under the sky
without thinking twice.